Рангджунг Еше

Буддийский центр

Дорогие друзья, наш светоносный Учитель готовится к летним учениям в Австрии, Дании, Британии и на юге Франции - Пиренеях, во время которых будут дарованы редкие учения по Дзочген!

В программу учений входят наставления по Дзогчен, проведение знаменитой пуджи Нгаксо, а также тантрические практики и медитации совместно с Ринпоче. Этот тур - это редкая возможность получить от Ринпоче наставления по знаменитому тексту "Единство Махамудры и Дзочген" - поэтическому произведению крупного Мастера медитации Карма Чагме. Этот текст состоит из 8 ми духовных песен, содержащих ясные и вневременные наставления по Учениям Великой Колесницы Махамудры и Дзочген.

Более того, Ринпоче согласился дать комментарий на знаменитый и очень глубокий текст Монлам Самантабхадры!

Принятие участия в одном из семинаров - это редчайшая возможность соприкоснуться с учениями о природе Ума и получить точные инструкции от сердца к сердцу от одного из наиболее уважаемых Мастеров медитации нашего времени и держателя линии Чоклинг Терсар.

Подробности и детали см.eng текст ниже. и на сайте DharmaSun.org.

Dear Sangha!

We are delighted to announce that Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche will soon begin his Summer 2018 Teaching Tour, successively visiting four of his international centres:

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Germany-Austria, Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark, Rangjung Yeshe Gomde UK, and Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Pyrenees.

At the first three venues Rinpoche will base his teachings on The Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, a renowned poetic composition by the 17th century meditation master, Karma Chagmé. The text comprises 8 spiritual songs explicitly highlighting the timeless practice instructions of both Mahamudra ─ the Great Seal ─ and Dzogchen ─ the Great Perfection.

These two approaches are regarded as the most profound and effective methods to awakening the wisdom within ourselves. This unique text outlines a complete path to awakening, delivered in simple and direct language aimed at personal understanding, which unifies these paths. By realizing the innate nature of their own mind, countless practitioners of diverse backgrounds have gained liberation and genuine spiritual awakening in just one lifetime.

Furthermore, Rinpoche has agreed to offer a commentary on the famous very profound and concise Dzogchen aspiration, Kunsang Monlam or Kuntusangpo’s Prayer.

At Gomde Pyrenees, Chokyi Nyjma Rinpoche has kindly agreed to offer the late Dudjom Rinpoche’s Profound Instructions for Mountain Retreat beginning on the 1st of September. These pithy instructions explain clearly how to prepare your mind for retreat and present direct and powerful instructions on the nature of mind. In its concluding section, Dudjom Rinpoche highlights how to integrate the daily instructions into our daily activities.

Since the successful practice of mind nature depends upon a variety of skillful means, the seminars in Austria, Denmark, and the UK will also include a full-day tantric group mending and purification ritual practice known as the Ngakso Puja, or “Ocean of Amrita”. During his visits, Rinpoche will also bestow a number of important Secret Mantra initiations.

Attending any one of these Gomde seminars is a rare opportunity to study and experience the nature of mind in an authentic environment whereby one receives heart advice directly from one of the most respected Tibetan Buddhist masters of our time.

For those unable to attend, Rinpoche kindly agreed to make the teachings offered at Gomde Germany-Austria available online in their entirety for students all around the world. There will be English and German translation available. For more information please visit DharmaSun.org.

This seminar offers a unique opportunity for students of all levels ─ from beginners to advanced practitioners ─ to receive a series of truly profound teachings. We would therefore ask that you share this notice with all those who might be interested to join us either online or in person.

Your Shedrub info services.